Project Information
Big Idea
Sustainable Affordable Nutrition
Essential Question
How can we eat nutritiously and sustainably in spite of food inflation and environmental concerns?
Project Description

Our project promotes healthy bodies through access to nutritious food sources. Food inflation has become a major challenge for families in our community and it serves as a barrier to proper nutrition. Our school is also surrounded by fast food restaurants which students frequent at lunchtime, creating a culture of junk food among the student body. In this project, students explored how to grow their own food, indoors and outdoors, in spite of our winter climate. They discovered the health and environmental benefits of microgreens. Their investigations led them to explore “the future of food,” including sustainable food practices. 

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well Being
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Project Portfolio
  •  stpatscienaproject.pdf


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